

This guide will walk you through the entire process of integrating fullres with your Ghost blog, including setting up standard tracking, segmenting users, tracking custom events, and logging metadata for posts.

You can also walk through a step by step tutorial at or follow the video below.

Step 1. Add your site to fullres

Begin by signing up for a fullres account. Simply enter a name for the account, your email and the URL of your Ghost site:

fullres signup

Step 2: Get the tracking code

Copy the JavaScript snippet from the Settings page:

fullres code snippet

Step 3: Add the tracking code to Ghost

  1. Access Your Ghost Admin Panel:

    • Log in to your Ghost admin panel.
    • Navigate to Settings > Code Injection.
  2. Inject fullres Script:

    • Paste your fullres tracking script into the Site Header section.
  3. Click The Save Button

Ghost code injection

Bonus: Tracking Email Subscription Confirmations and Subscribe Button Clicks in Ghost

In the Site Header section of Code Injection, add the following JavaScript below your site tracking code:

  window.fullres ||= { events: [] };
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const params = new URLSearchParams(;
    if (params.get('action') === 'signup' && params.get('success') === 'true') {{ key: 'email_subscription_confirmation' });
  const signupButtons = [
    { selector: '[data-portal="signup"]', label: 'header_button' },
    { selector: '[data-testid="portal-trigger-button"]', label: 'floating_button' },
    { selector: '[data-portal=""]', label: 'inline_below_post' }
  signupButtons.forEach(({ selector, label }) => {
    const button = document.querySelector(selector);
    if (button) {
      button.addEventListener('click', function() {{ key: 'subscribe_button_click', properties: { button: label } });

But wait, there's more!

Segmenting Analytics for Logged In vs. Not Logged In Users

  1. Download Your Theme:

    • Go to Settings > Theme in your Ghost admin panel.
    • Download your current theme.
  2. Modify the default.hbs Template:

    • Extract the downloaded theme and locate default.hbs.
    • Open default.hbs in a text editor and add the following code above the {{ghost_head}} snippet:
      window.fullres ||= {events: []};
      window.fullres.metadata = {
        isLoggedIn: {{#if @member}}true{{else}}false{{/if}}
  3. Upload and Activate the Modified Theme:

    • Re-zip the theme directory and upload it back to your Ghost admin panel.

    • Activate the uploaded theme.

Logging Custom Metadata for Post Author and Category

  1. Modify the post.hbs Template:

    • Extract the downloaded theme and locate post.hbs.
    • Open post.hbs and add the following code snippet right before the closing {{/post}} tag:
      window.fullres ||= {events: [] };
      window.fullres.metadata.postCategory = '{{#if primary_tag}}{{primary_tag.slug}}{{else}}null{{/if}}';
      window.fullres.metadata.postAuthor = '{{#if primary_author}}{{primary_author.slug}}{{else}}null{{/if}}';
  2. Upload and Activate the Modified Theme:

    • Re-zip the theme directory and upload it back to your Ghost admin panel.
    • Activate the uploaded theme.

Congratulations! Your site is now fully integrated with fullres. Start accessing privacy-focused insights and monitor your Ghost publication's performance from your fullres dashboard.