

Want simple, privacy-focused analytics for your Framer site? Integrate with Fullres using a straightforward process.

Add your site to Fullres

Begin by signing up for a Fullres account. Simply enter a name for the account, your email, and the URL of your Framer site:

Fullres signup

Get the tracking code

Copy the JavaScript snippet from the Settings page:

Fullres signup

Add the tracking code

Framer allows you to inject custom code into your site’s header. Follow these steps to add the Fullres tracking code:

  1. In your Framer project, click on the Settings icon.
  2. Scroll to the Custom Code section.
  3. Paste the Fullres tracking code snippet into the End of head tag section.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Publish your site to apply the changes.

Framer code injection

Congratulations! Your site is now fully integrated with Fullres Analytics. Start accessing privacy-focused insights and monitor your Framer site's performance from your Fullres dashboard.